Thursday, March 6, 2014


Have you ever worked in organisation for so long,
You are taking care of everything and everything under control,
Then your boss comes to you, welcome you on board,
Next time you open your eyes, you are sitting abroad,
In a blink of your eye, you are back home,
Now the real war started, attacking you with drone,
You are following up for your rights, and they say one week more,
Everyone consoling you, saying you deserve more,
But just fake promises, and lame reason for the delay,
Suddenly whole tenure sucked, and then started decay,
Then after waiting for life time, they come to me,
Giving me my right, and shamelessly looking at me,
I say go to hell, now nothing can change,
You calling it betraying, I call it 'Revenge'.

Ravi Khurana

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